Global Studies Winter 2022 “New Major” Course Tip Sheet

W22: Gateway Courses

GLBL 102 Foundations in Intercultural Competence (20923) [For “Old Major” only: Substitution Option for Required Introduction Course or Block A Course]

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W22: Block A Foundation Courses

GLBL 250 Value Systems in Cross-Cultural Perspective (20924)

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W22: “Internal” Block B Foundation Courses

Environmental Justice and Resilience

Former PCA Equivalent: International Environment

BI 370 Ecology (21756)
EC 333 Resource and Environmental Economic Issues (20647)
EC 430 Urban & Regional Economics (20662)
ENVS 345 Environmental Ethics (22720)
ENVS 411 Environmental Issues: [Maps as Power] (22735)
ENVS 435 Environmental Justice (22738)
GEOG 399 Special Topic: Global Carneige (22855)
GLBL 399 Sp St Glbl Env Iss & A (25361) [*]
GLBL 410 Food Sovereignty (20934) [*]
GLBL 415 The Global Story of Race (25233)
GLBL 421 Gender and International Development (25221)
GLBL 431 Cross-Cultural Communication (24884)
GLBL 446 Development and Social Change in Latin America (20936)
LAW 310 Environmental Regulation (21913)
PPPM 331 Environmental Management (23169)
PPPM 360 International Public Policy (23195) [*]
SOC 416 Issues in Environmental Sociology (23290)
SOC 416 Issues in Environmental Sociology: Environment and Health (24705)

Migration, Refugees and Humanitarian Assistance

Former PCA Equivalent: Migration, Displacement & Refugees

ANTH 410 Migrant Refugee Citizens (24905) [*]
EC 430 Urban and Regional Economics (20662)
GLBL 340 Global Health and Development (20926)
GLBL 360 International Cooperation and Conflict (20928)
GLBL 410 Food Sovereignty (20934) [*]
GLBL 415 The Global Story of Race (25233)
GLBL 421 Gender and International Development (25221)
GLBL 431 Cross-Cultural Communication (24884)
GLBL 446 Development and Social Change in Latin America (20936)
HC 231H Top Global Responses (21046) [*]
HIST 415 Top Migrants& Refugees (23104) [*]

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Development Studies

Former PCA Equivalent: Comparative International Development

EC 380 Intl Economic Issues (20649)
EC 482 Economics of Globalization (20664)
EC 490 Economic Growth and Development (20666)
FIN 463 International Finance (20447)
GEOG 342 Geography of Globalization (22837)
GEOG 343 Society, Culture & Place (22852)
GEOG 441 Political Geography (22862)
GLBL 340 Global Health and Development (20926)
GLBL 360 International Cooperation and Conflict (20928)
GLBL 399 Sp St Glbl Env Iss & A (25361) [*]
GLBL 410 Food Sovereignty (20934) [*]
GLBL 415 The Global Story of Race (25233)
GLBL 421 Gender and International Development (25221)
GLBL 431 Cross-Cultural Communication (24884)
GLBL 446 Development and Social Change in Latin America (20936)
HC 231H Top Global Responses (21046) [*]
LAW 415 Human Rights, Law, and Culture (21916)
PPPM 360 International Public Policy (23195) [*]
PPPM 415 Policy & Planning Analysis (23192)
PS 340 International Political Economy (20780)
PS 479 U.S. Interventions in Developing Nations (20797)
SOC 465 Political Sociology (24711)

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Diplomacy, Peace and Conflict Studies

Former PCA Equivalents: Diplomacy and International Relations & Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution

GLBL 360 Intrnational Cooperation and Conflict (20928)
GLBL 431 Cross Cultural Communication (24884)

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CRES 435 Israel and Palestine (21893)
EC 380 International Economic Issues (20649)
ENVS 435 Environmental Justice (22738)
GEOG 441 Political Geography (22862)
GLBL 399 Sp St Glbl Env Iss & A (25361) [*]
GLBL 410 Food Sovereignty (20934) [*]
GLBL 415 The Global Story of Race (25233)
GLBL 421 Gender and International Development (25221)
GLBL 431 Cross-Cultural Communication (24884) [*]
GLBL 446 Development and Social Change in Latin America (20936)
HC 434H Top Screen Holocaust (21095)
HIST 340 US Military History (23086)
LAW 415 Human Rights, Law, and Culture (21916)
PPPM 360 International Public Policy (23195) [*]
PPPM 415 Policy & Planning Analysis (23192)
PS 330 Government and & Politics in Latin America (20779)
PS 340 International Political Economy (20780)
PS 351 Democratic Dilemmas (20782)
PS 479 U.S. Interventions in Developing Nations (20797)
REL 357 War, Terrorism, & Religion (21128)
SOC 380 Introduction: Deviance, Control, and Crime (24695)
SOC 465 Political Sociology (24711)

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Media and Communications

Former PCA Equivalents: Media, Journalism & Communications

J 396 International Communications (20836)
GLBL 431 Cross-Cultural Communication (24884)

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ENG 381M Film, Media & Culture (23674)
GLBL 360 International Cooperation and Conflict (20928)
GLBL 410 Food Sovereignty (20934) [*]
GLBL 415 The Global Story of Race (25233)
GLBL 421 Gender and International Development (25221)
GLBL 431 Cross-Cultural Communication (24884)
GLBL 446 Development and Social Change in Latin America (20936)
ITAL 305 Cultura e lingua: arte, musica, I mass media (20836)
J 397 Media Ethics (22021)
J 397 Media Ethics (22020)
MKTG 420 Marketing Communications (20473)
MKTG 420 Marketing Communications (20474)

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Business, Trade and Tourism

Former PCA Equivalents: International Business, International Economics, and International Tourism

Required Courses
MGMT 420 Managing in Global Economy (22187)
MKTG 470 International Marketing (20469)

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BA 317 Marketing: Creating Value for Customers (22279) [ITRS]
BA 317 Marketing: Creating Value for Customers (22329) [ITRS]
BA 317 Marketing: Creating Value for Customers (22330) [ITRS]
BA 317 Marketing: Creating Value for Customers (22280) [ITRS]
BA 361 Cross-Cultural Business Communication (22323) [IB and ITRS]
EC 370 Money and Banking (20648) [IB]
EC 380 International Economic Issues (20649) [IB and IEC]
EC 421 Introduction to Econometrics (20658) [IEC]
EC 482 Economics of Globalization (20664) [IB and IEC]
EC 484 Multinational Corporations (20665) [IB]
EC 490 Economic Growth and Development (20666) [IB and IEC]
FIN 463 International Finance (20447) [IEC]
GEOG 342 Geography of Globalization (22837) [IEC and ITRS]
GEOG 410 Oregon Environmental Politics (22838) [* IEC]
GEOG 441 Political Geography (22862) [ITRS]
GLBL 399 Sp St Glbl Env Iss & A (25361) [*]
GLBL 410 Food Sovereignty (20934) [*]
GLBL 415 The Global Story of Race (25233)
GLBL 421 Gender and International Development (25221)
GLBL 431 Cross-Cultural Communication (24884)
GLBL 446 Development and Social Change in Latin America (20936)
MGMT 417 Negotiation Strategies (22188) [IB]
MKTG 311 Marketing Management (20480) [ITRS]
MKTG 311 Marketing Management (20481) [ITRS]
MKTG 311 Marketing Management (20482) [ITRS]
MKTG 311 Marketing Management (20455) [ITRS]
MKTG 435 Consumer Behavior (20471) [ITRS]
MKTG 435 Consumer Behavior (20472) [ITRS]
PPPM 360 International Public Policy (23195) [* IB and IEC]
PPPM 422 Grant Proposal Writing (24735) [ITRS]
PS 340 International Political Economy (20780) [IEC]

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Arts & Identity

Former PCA Equivalent: Culture, Art & Development

DAN 301 African Dance Aesthetics (25126)
ENG 385 Graphic Narratives & Cultural Theory (22467)
ENG 381M Film, Media, & Culture (23674)
GLBL 399 Sp St Glbl Env Iss & A (25361) [*]
GLBL 410 Food Sovereignty (20934) [*]
GLBL 415 The Global Story of Race (25233)
GLBL 421 Gender and International Development (25221)
GLBL 431 Cross-Cultural Communication (24884)
GLBL 446 Development and Social Change in Latin America (20936)
TA 368 History of Theater II (23164)
TA 472 Multicultural Theater: Minority Theater Forms (23181)

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Gender, Race and Inequality

Former PCA Equivalent: International Gender Issues

GLBL 421 Gender and International Development (25221) [*]


ANTH 332 Hum Attraction & Mating Strategies (22978)
CLAS 314 Gen & Sexuality in Antiquity (21146)
COLT 360 Gender & Identity in Literature (23701)
COLT 360 Gender & Identity in Literature (23702)
COLT 360 Gender & Identity in Literature (25222)
GLBL 399 Sp St Glbl Env Iss & A (25361) [*]
GLBL 431 Cross-Cultural Communication (24884)
GLBL 446 Development and Social Change in Latin America (20936)
HC 444H Top Declononizing (21103)
PHIL 315 Introduction to Feminist Philosophy (21888)
SOC 207 Social Inequality (21245) [Note: Even though 200-level, will allow as an elective for this concentration]
SOC 355 Sociology of Gender (25035)
WGS 341 Women, Work & Class (22846)

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Law and Human Rights

Former PCA Equivalent: Law and Human Rights

ENVS 435 Environmental Justice (22738)
GLBL 340 Global Health and Development (20926)
GLBL 360 International Cooperation and Conflict (20928)
GLBL 399 Sp St Glbl Env Iss & A (25361) [*]
GLBL 410 Food Sovereignty (20934) [*]
GLBL 415 The Global Story of Race (25233)
GLBL 421 Gender and International Development (25221)
GLBL 431 Cross-Cultural Communication (24884)
GLBL 446 Development and Social Change in Latin America (20936)
HC 301H Top American Prisons (21083)
LAW 415 Human Rights, Law and Culture (21916)
PPPM 360 International Public Policy (23195) [*]
SOC 380 Introduction: Deviance, Control, and Crime (24695)
SOC 484 Issues in Deviance, Control, and Crime: Community and Crime (23288)

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Food Studies

New PCA!

EC 333 Resource and Environmental Economic Issues (20647)
ENVS 435 Environmental Justice (22738)
GLBL 340 Global Health and Development (20926)
GLBL 360 International Cooperation and Conflict (20928)
GLBL 399 Sp St Glbl Env Iss & A (25361) [*]
GLBL 410 Food Sovereignty (20934) [*]
GLBL 415 The Global Story of Race (25233)
GLBL 421 Gender and International Development (25221)
GLBL 431 Cross-Cultural Communication (24884)
GLBL 446 Development and Social Change in Latin America (20936)
HC 301H Top Food and Colonialism (21076)

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Global Health

Former PCA Equivalent: Global Health and Development

GLBL 340 Global Health and Development (20926)
ANTH 369 Human Growth and Development (22982)
ANTH 420 Culture, Illness & Healing (23002)
ANTH 459 Advanced Evolutionary Medicine (23006)
BI 358 Investigations in Medical Physiology (21749)
BI 423 Human Molecular Genetics (23403)
BI 471 Population Ecology (23406)
EC 490 Economic Growth and Development (20666)
ENVS 410 Water, Pub Health, Env (22731) [*]
GLBL 340 Global Health and Development (20926) [*]
GLBL 360 International Cooperation and Conflict (20928)
GLBL 399 Sp St Glbl Env Iss & A (25361) [*]
GLBL 410 Food Sovereignty (20934) [*]
GLBL 415 The Global Story of Race (25233)
GLBL 421 Gender and International Development (25221)
GLBL 431 Cross-Cultural Communication (24884)
GLBL 446 Development and Social Change in Latin America (20936)
PHIL 335 Medical Ethics (21867)
PPPM 360 International Public Policy (23195) [*]
PSY 301 Scientific Thinking in Psychology (20277)
PSY 301 Scientific Thinking in Psychology (20278)
PSY 302 Statistical Methods in Psychology (20279)
PSY 302 Statistical Methods in Psychology (20286)
PSY 303 Research Methods in Psychology: Dev Psy (20293) [*]
PSY 303 Research Methods in Psychology: Dev Psy (20294) [*]
PSY 303 Research Methods in Psychology: Soc/Pers (25162) [*]
PSY 303 Research Methods in Psychology: Soc/Pers (25163) [*]
PSY 303 Research Methods in Psychology: Soc/Pers (25201) [*]
PSY 303 Research Methods in Psychology: Soc/Pers (25254) [*]
PSY 303 Research Methods in Psychology: Cog Psy (25164) [*]
PSY 303 Research Methods in Psychology: Cog Psy (25255) [*]
SOC 311 Research Methods (24687)
SOC 311 Research Methods (24688)
SOC 312 Statistical Analysis in Sociology (24689)
SOC 399 Sp St Soc Epidemiology (25036) [*]
WGS 421 Bodies and Embodiment (22847)

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Global Education

Former PCA Equivalent: Cross-Cultural Communication & Education

GLBL 431 Cross-Cultural Communication (24884) []
BA 361 Cross-Cultural Business Communication (22323)
EDST 456 Equal Opportunity: Decolonization (20194)
ENG 335 Inventing Arguments (22464)
GEOG 343 Society, Culture & Place (22852)
GLBL 410 Food Sovereignty (20934) [*]
GLBL 415 The Global Story of Race (25233)
GLBL 421 Gender and International Development (25221)
GLBL 431 Cross-Cultural Communication (24884) [*]
GLBL 446 Development and Social Change in Latin America (20936)
J 396 International Communication (20836)
LING 211 Languages of the World (21410)
LING 491 Sociolinguistics (21426)
PPPM 360 International Public Policy (23195) [*]
PPPM 422 Grant Proposal Writing (24735)

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W22: BLOCK C Geographic Focus Courses


DAN 301 African Dan Aesthetics (25126)
ENVS 410 Water, Pub Health, Env (22731) [*]
HC 231H Top Global Responses (21046) [*]
HIST 415 Top Migrants and Refugees (23104) [*]

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ARH 315 History of World Architecture II (20142)
ARH 421 Top Ancient Medditerranean Art (20171) [Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic.]
ENG 407 Seminar: World War I Poetry (22478) [*]
FR 302 Culture et langage: Le monde francophone contemporain (25039) [**]
FR 302 Culture et langage: Le monde francophone contemporain (25040) [**]
FR 330 French Poetry (20822)
FR 333 French Narrative (25052)
GER 311 Intermediate Language Training (23890) [**]
GER 411 Advanced Language Training (23898) [**]
GRK 302 Top Soph: Oedipus Rex (21155) [** – Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic.]
GRK 411 Top Plato Republic 10 (21158) [** – Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic.]
HC 434H Top Screen Holocaust (21095)
HC 434H Top Black Writers in Paris (21096)
HIST 302 Modern Europe (23084)
HIST 407 Sem Soviet Culture (20744) [*]
HIST 412 Top Greek Historgraphy (23103) [Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic.]
HIST 427 Top German Intellect H (23106) [Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic.]
HIST 428 Top Issues 20c Europe (23107) [Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic.]
ITAL 305 Cultura e lingua: arte, musica, i mass media (20836) [**]
ITAL 305 Culura e Lingua: arate, musica, I mass media (20836) [**]
PORT 305 Cultura e lingua: Brasil ontem e hoje (22808) [**]
PS 387 Russian Politics (20786)
RUSS 399 Race & Russian (21194)
SCAN 317 Directors, Movements, & Manifestos (23906)
SPAN 301 Cultura y Lengua: Identidades Hispanas (20871) [**]
SPAN 301 Cultura y Lengua: Identidades Hispanas (20872) [**]
SPAN 303 Cultura y lengua: expresiones artisticas (20874) [**]
SPAN 303 Cultura y lengua: expresiones artisticas (20875) [**]
SPAN 305 Cultura y lengua: cambios sociales (20876) [**]
SPAN 305 Cultura y lengua: cambios sociales (20877) [**]
SPAN 308 Cultura y lengua: comunidades bilingues (20878) [**]
SPAN 308 Cultura y lengua: comunidades bilingues (20879) [**]
SPAN 308 Cultura y lengua: comunidades bilingues (20880) [**]
SPAN 308 Cultura y lengua: comunidades bilingues (22801) [**]
SPAN 312 Spanish in the Media (20883) [**]
SPAN 312 Spanish in the Media (20882) [**]
SPAN 322 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (20886) [**]
SPAN 322 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (20887) [**]
SPAN 343 Hispanic Cultures through Literature III (20889)
SPAN 343 Hispanic Cultures through Literature III (20890)
SPAN 344 Hispanic Cultures through Literature IV (20891) [**]
SPAN 344 Hispanic Cultures through Literature IV (20891) [**]
SPAN 351 Introduction to Theater (20892)
SPAN 353 Introduction to Narrative (20893)

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Southeast and East Asia

ANTH 343 Pacific Islands Archaeology (22979)
ARH 481 Topic: Chinese Textiles (20176)
ARH 488 Japanese Prints (20177)
CHN 302 Third-Year Chinese (21498) [**]
CHN 302 Third-Year Chinese (21499) [**]
CHN 306 History of Chinese Literature (21495) [**]
CHN 351 Gender and Sexuality in Traditional Chinese Literature (23800) [**]
CHN 421 Intermediate Language Strategies (21489)
CHN 437 Literary Chinese (23804)
CHN 445 Advanced Chinese: Topic – Social Issues (21486) [Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic.]
CHN 482 History of the Chinese Language (23805)
CINE 410 Transnat Cinematograph (23672) [*]
COLT 380 Topics: Tokyo Cyberpunk (23715) [*]
EALL 407 Seminar: Psycholinguistics (23814) [Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic.]
EALL 410 Visions of the Empire (23846) [Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic.]
HIST 387 Early China (23089)
HIST 407 Sem Japan Women/Family (23098) [*]
HIST 487 China: [Song and Yuan Dynasty] (23114) [Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic.]
JPN 302 Third-Year Japanese (21455) [**]
JPN 302 Third-Year Japanese (21456) [**]
JPN 306 Introduction to Japanese Literature (21451)
JPN 399 Special Studies: [Japan Pop Culture] (23820)
JPN 412 Fourth Year Spoken Japanese (23826)
JPN 412 Fourth Year Spoken Japanese (23827)
JPN 415 Fourth Year Reading and Writing Japanese (23828)
JPN 435 Advanced Readings in Japanese Literature (23829)
KRN 302 Third-Year Korean (23837) [**]
KRN 315 Introduction to Korean Linguistics (23838)
PS 342 Politics of China (20781)
REL 302 Chinese Religions (21125)
REL 303 Japanese Religions (21126)
REL 353 Dark Self East and West (21127)

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South and Central Asia

ANTH 331 Cultures of India and South Asia (22973)
CINE 410 Transnat Asian Media (23671) [*]
CINE 410 Transnat Cinematograph (23672) [*]
HC 231H Top Global Responses (21046) [*]
REL 353 Dark Self East and West (21127)

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Latin America and Caribbean

GLBL 446 Development and Social Change in Latin America (20936)
ANTH 427M Latino Roots I (23003)
EDST 456 Equal Opportunity: Decolonization (20194)
FR 302 Culture et langage: Le monde francophone contemporain (25039) [**]
FR 302 Culture et langage: Le monde francophone contemporain (25040)
HC 231H Top Global Responses (21046) [*]
HIST 381 Latin America (23088)
MUS 394 Top Latin Jazz Ensembl (24180) [*]
PORT 305 Cultura e lingua: Brasil ontem e hoje (22808) [**]
PS 330 Governments & Politics in Latin America (20779)
SOC 452 Mexican Migration (24710) [*]
SPAN 301 Cultura y Lengua: Identidades Hispanas (20871) [**]
SPAN 301 Cultura y Lengua: Identidades Hispanas (20872) [**]
SPAN 303 Cultura y lengua: expresiones artisticas (20874) [**]
SPAN 303 Cultura y lengua: expresiones artisticas (20875) [**]
SPAN 305 Cultura y lengua: cambios sociales (20876) [**]
SPAN 305 Cultura y lengua: cambios sociales (20877) [**]
SPAN 308 Cultura y lengua: comunidades bilingues (20878) [**]
SPAN 308 Cultura y lengua: comunidades bilingues (20879) [**]
SPAN 308 Cultura y lengua: comunidades bilingues (20880) [**]
SPAN 308 Cultura y lengua: comunidades bilingues (22801) [ **]
SPAN 312 Spanish in the Media (20883) [**]
SPAN 312 Spanish in the Media (20882) [**]
SPAN 322 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (20886) [**]
SPAN 322 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (20887) [**]
SPAN 343 Hispanic Cultures through Literature III (20889)
SPAN 343 Hispanic Cultures through Literature III (20890)
SPAN 344 Hispanic Cultures through Literature IV (20891) [**]
SPAN 344 Hispanic Cultures through Literature IV (20891) [**]
SPAN 348 Latinx Culture and Society (25025)
SPAN 351 Introduction to Theater (20892)
SPAN 353 Introduction to Narrative (20893)
SPAN 407 Seminar (20897) [Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic]

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Middle East

ARB 399 Intermediate Arabic (21113) [Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic.]
CINE 399 Sp St Middle East Cinema (23669) [*]
CRES 435 Israel and Palestine (21893)
ENG 340 Jewish Writers (22465)
PS 384 Nuclear Politics in the Middle East (20785)
REL 353 Dark Self, East and West (21127)
REL 357 War, Terrorism, & Religion (21128)

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North America

ANTH 344 Oregon Archaeology (22980)
CINE 399 Sp St US Indie Cinema (23668) [*]
ENG 360 African American Writers (22466)
ENG 391 American Novel (22468)
ENG 480 Modern American Superhero (22484)
ES 310 Race and Popular Culture: Topic – Race/Sex/Hip Hop” (20137) [Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic.]
ES 310 Race and Popular Culture: Topic – Afrofuturism (25161) [Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic.]
ES 399 Sp St Black Atlantic (20396)
ES 460 Top The Olympics (20390)
HC 301H Top Food and Colonialism (21076)
HC 301H Top American Prisons (21082)
HIST 309 History of Women in the United States II (23085)
HIST 340 US Military History (23086)
HIST 363 American Business History (23087)
HIST 388 Vietnam War and the United States (23090)
HIST 399 Special Topic: American Urban History (23091) [*]
HIST 463 American Economic History: [Sports] (24913) [Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic.]
HIST 471 African American History since 1877: [Topic] (23110) [Course topic and title varies. All titles for this course number accepted as Elective options based on approval of topic.]
MUS 360 Hip-Hop Music: History, Culture, Aesthetics (21332)
PS 351 Democratic Dilemmas (20782)
PS 479 U.S. Interventions in Developing Nations (20797)
PS 484 United States Supreme Court (23254)
SOC 445 Top Race Relations: Racial Difference Making (24706) [*]
SOC 445 Top Race Relations: Racism and Antiracism (24707) [*]
SOC 452 Topics: Mexican Migration (24710) [*]
SPAN 348 Latinx Culture and Society (25025)

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